Following the principal of non-discrimination, all students, no matter what their disability, have the right to enroll in whichever educational institution they desire.
The article L123-4-1 – Education code states :
« Les établissements d'enseignement supérieur inscrivent les étudiants handicapés ou présentant un trouble de santé invalidant, dans le cadre des dispositions réglementant leur accès au même titre que les autres étudiants, et assurent leur formation en mettant en œuvre les aménagements nécessaires à leur situation dans l'organisation, le déroulement et l'accompagnement de leurs études. »
In order to pursue their studies, certain students might need a communication aid (for example, an LSF interpreter or an LPC coder), a note-taker, certain material, brail transcription, etc...
As previously mentioned, educational institutions must offer the necessary arrangements, the required development and incorporation of their studies.
Important: this concerns teacher's aids, however homecare aid is not provided by the institution. Your homecare workers must be granted permission by your local CDAPH and can be covered by the disability compensation.
In order to recognize your rights concerning educational aid, it is recommended that you contact the CDAPH “Commission pour les Droits et l'Autonomie des Personnes Handicapées” of your local region. After analysis of your application, the commission will inform you of your rights, upon which you would notify the institution chosen.
In each university, there is a sector dedicated to the welcoming of students with disabilities and making sure all necessary arrangements are provided. It is advised that you schedule a meeting with this sector (Examples: Espace Handicap, Service Handicap, Mission Handicap, etc) before commencing your studies. (Contact them ideally between April and the beginning of July).
Find contact information here: Handi-U.
As for other institutions (engineering schools, business schools, architecture schools, etc.) sometimes there are disability consultants available. For more information, please contact the institution directly.
Students with disabilities can benefit from certain exam adjustments. Find out more in the Décret n°2005-1617 du 21 décembre 2005 et la circulaire N°2006-215 DU 26-12-2006.
In universities, the Preventative Medicine Department is often used when issuing medical certificates. In this case, isn’t necessary to inform the CDAPH. You simply must schedule an appointment with the Preventative Medicine Department.