With 15 years of experience during which hundreds of young people have been accompanied (Visual, auditory, motor disability, debilitating disease, etc.), HANDISUP brings its expertise to higher education institutions from Haute-Normandie.
Universities, schools, BTS sectors (two-year technical degree), CFA (vocational training centers)....
Any institution that offers higher education courses may contact us for guidance and employability. We receive and accompany students of all institutions.
Our action is complementary and doesn’t substitute itself for the educational institutions missions. Thus we do not interfere for studies developments or educational helps.
Historically (our Founder and Chairman, Jean-Jacques MALANDAIN has been the first Disability representative at the University of ROUEN); we continue to maintain narrow links with the University of ROUEN. The agreement signed in 2000 is still very active and the partnership work is facilitated by the installation of Handisup’s premises in the university’s disability area.
Besides, Handisup has renewed its agreement with the University of Le Havre. Established relationships with the disability service are excellent. In addition, both universities send us disabled students regularly who are in need of support in their project’s construction or setting up a business experience.
The number of students with disabilities in higher education institutions remains marginal and is often too weak to imagine a service dedicated to their welcome. Whether it is about Rouen INSA, ESIGELEC, NEOMA or other schools, HANDISUP alerts the institutions on individual situations and can provide the necessary advices.