We advise all the high school students of Haute-Normandie. Our goal is to facilitate your academic journey upon graduation from High School.
Don’t hesitate to contact us during the high school’s final year and to come to our meetings for the high school students organized on Le Havre, Evreux and Mont-Saint-Aignan.
With a 17 years experience, we can provide you useful information on:
You aren’t sure which studies you wish to pursue? What job? You wonder about Professional opportunities?
Handisup offers individual help to High School students:
You choose what works for you! Handisup provides all necessary helps!
We are familiar with all academic institutions in Haute-Normandie and we can help you choose the best one by providing visits in order to verify accessibility, if necessary.
In certain institutions, there is an administration dedicated to welcoming students with disabilities (schools and universities). Handisup can connect you with the personnel in charge to facilitate your registration.
If you wish to register in BTS in Rouen’s academy, you must follow regular registration procedures but you can also benefit from priority allocation provided by the Administration Board in accordance with your professional aspirations. Handisup will help you with the completion of your file.
Handisup can guide you through the administrative process necessary to register in a post-graduate institution, particularly with the assembling of your file concerning: