Whether it is about a sensory or physical handicap, or about a speech difficulty, a disease, or about an invasive development disorder, a person is in situation of handicap when the environment is not enough adapted. By improving the material and immaterial accessibility, we reduce the handicaps.
It supposes a place, a listening, an accompaniment, a follow-up, interlocutors knowing how to adapt themselves to the requests and bring made-to-measure answers. It is indeed the heart of our actions!
Handisup is a place where young people can come freely, without commitment and without constraints. It is a voluntary approach from them.
A place which is opened to everybody, whatever the handicap, the degree of autonomy and the professional aspiration.
Handisup is at the disposal of young people for any institution in which they study or want to study.
This principle enables to assure the same equality and quality of service on the whole Haute‑Normandie Region by opening an office at MDPH27 every 3 weeks.
- Handisup intervenes in the Departments of Seine-Maritime and Eure:
- From Monday to Friday, from 9 AM to12:45 and from 14 PM to 17:30 at the University’s House at Mont-Saint-Aignan.
- Every Thursday afternoon, at Le Havre University.
- Every 3 weeks at MDPH27.
The staff in charge of the accompaniment moves frequently on the sites of the University of Rouen, the University of Le Havre, in high schools and at home too.
In order to welcome you in good conditions, it is important that you book an appointment: contact us.