University of Le Havre

Studying at the University of Le Havre

The disability Department has as main objective to improve the students’ academic lives and the disabled staff’s daily life: 

  • Working closely with the Preventive Medicine Service (SMPPS) to identify students with special needs.
  • By coordinating the different facilities to put in place with each component.


The arrangements

  • Human helps :

Two educational carers are present to accompany students to the courses and examinations, assist in the everyday life tasks...

There is the student tutoring : one or more valid students accompany the student suffering any disability, by taking notes for him (her), by helping in the day (carry the laptop, carry the meal tray at  lunch time...)

  • Technical helps:

Disability Service works with the students themselves for what concerns the furniture’s adaptation (specific tables, magnifying glass...).

It is possible for the student to have the course’s photocopy. If he (her) has been absent or if he (her) can’t write, the Service can save the course and then the student connects on the EUREKA platform. The goal is to help students succeed in their studies at best.

It is possible to put in place facilities, such as the third extra time, examination secretaries, key lifts, parking cards to reach reserved places GIG-GIC (disabled person's parking card)...

  • Integration into the workplace

The disability service works with Handisup Haute-Normandie in order to prepare students to enter active life, to search for internships...


Contact University of Le Havre Disability Space

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