Handisup, Hand-Uni, Handi-Fac, associations at your service
The HANDISUP associations are independent, there are 5 associations (including HANDISUP Haute-Normandie): Handisup Clermont-Ferrand, Handisup Nantes, Handisup Poitiers, Handisup Bretagne .
However, they have common goals: to facilitate access to higher education, to improve the life and studies conditions, to prepare and facilitate the professional integration of students with disabilities.
There are other associations with similar goals but with other names: HANDI-UNI (University of Caen), HANDIFAC (University of Lille)... etc.
Study in another region
In a University: contact the facilities dedicated to the reception of students with disabilities
If you want to study outside Haute-Normandie, you must be aware that in each University exists a structure dedicated to the reception of students with disabilities in charge of the necessary help implementation
We advise you to make an appointment with this structure (designated: Espace Handicap, Service handicap, Mission handicap.) in order to prepare the start of new term. It is in April and in July ideally.
Find details of the services on the ministry website: Handi-U
In other institutions (engineering schools, Business schools, architecture school, etc.), there is sometimes a disability referent, this contact may be a relay. For more details, you should contact directly the school.
In all cases, it’s compulsory to put in place the necessary accompaniment for your studies pursuit even for higher education institutions where you can’t find a disability referent.
In this case, it is sometimes more difficult to get help but the MDPH of your place of residence must be seized.