The Law of February 11th, 2005 created a Local Governing Council for the Disabled (MDPH: Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées) for each region.
Lieu unique d'accueil, la Maison départementale des personnes handicapées " exerce une mission d'accueil, d'information, d'accompagnement et de conseil des personnes handicapées et de leur famille ainsi que de sensibilisation de tous les citoyens aux handicaps ".
The local governing council for the disabled is dedicated to welcoming, providing information, specific arrangements and advice for all citizens with disabilities and their families.
The governing council has 8 principle goals:
To submit online your file: your steps.
The Autonomy and Rights Committees for the Disabled (CDAPH) were created with the Law of February 11th, 2005. They are the result of a merge between the Orientation Techniques and Professional Reclassification Committee (COTOREP) and the Special Education Committee (CDAPH).
Within the MDPH, the CDAPH deals with all decisions concerning various forms of aid and benefits. They are also responsible for, after evaluation, the compensation needs and creation of personalized compensation plans.
The CDAPH is responsible for:
All decisions previously made by the CDES and the COTOREP remain valid until their anticipated date. If you have applied for compensation before the 1st of July 2006, it can be provided to you retrospectively, so long as you justify your expenses since the 1st of July 2006.