à vos côtés pour réussir
accès malvoyant
- Autism: a guide aimed at the recruiters, HANDIRECT, August 14th, 2015
- Situation of handicap and learning, Normandie Professional Trainings, ONISEP, April 22nd, 2015
- Autism and employability: a guide to facilitate the integration, ONISEP, April 2015
- A student testimony, ONISEP, April 2015
- Autism isn’t a brake on working, Etre Handicap Information, March-April 2015
- News from Handisup Haute-Normandie, AUTISM, Newsletter n°15, ONISEP, January 2015
- For another look, Terre Plurielle, Talents, December 2014
- One-on-one coaching, Terre Plurielle, Activity Report, 2013