General websites:
CAP TERRITORIAL: employment website for territorial administrations
APEC (National Employment Agency for Executives): find job offers, deposit a CV, and find out about recruiting companies...
CRIJ Haute-Normandie : A lot of information for students from Haute-Normandie! The site also offers a "Classifieds" section with job offers.
Normandieonline : Normandieonline.com is a reference to find a name, an address, a phone number or even a list of companies for each geographical region and each activity in Normandie. This website is essential for finding information about different companies!
Pôle Emploi (former Agence Nationale Pour l'Emploi) : This website provides you all employments offers in France.
La Gazette des communes : This website consists of all employment offers from different towns, departments, and regions in France.
Annuaire RH : Directory of all interim businesses and recruitment centers.
Centre de Gestion de la Fonction Publique Territoriale : All competitions in Seine-Maritime, equally offered on www.haute-normandie.cnfpt.fr.
Specific websites:
AGEFIPH : Manages the financial contributions paid by companies of 20 employees and more that are subject to the obligation to employ persons with disabilities. This organization can equally provide financial aid for your transport costs, accommodation costs, and development of your workstation as part of a CDD (short-term contract) or an alternation contract. It can also, under certain conditions, provide financial assistance for the costs of training carried out in France.
FIPHFP (Funds for the professional integration of people with disabilities in the Civil service): This website provides information regarding employment in Civil Service.
CAP EMPLOI : The national network of ‘Cap Emploi' is composed of 118 organizations, defined by the law of February 11th 2005, like the O.P.S., meaning the “Specialized Placement agencies”.
Cap Emploi Calvados, Cap Emploi Eure, Cap Emploi Manche, Cap Emploi Orne, Cap Emploi Rouen Dieppe, all post their employment offers and their applicants looking for work.