You are looking for institutions, information to choose your education and your job, you can contact these 3 structures that will give you objective information and without commercial purpose.
The CIO: National careers guidance centers, depend on the Ministry of Education. There is at least a CIO by district of school inspectorate.
The ONISEP: National office of Information About Teachings and Occupations, is a public institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. Public editor, Onisep develops and broadcasts all information about trainings and jobs to pupils, to parents and to educational teams.
The city of trades : of Haute-Normandie, is a place of information and proposes workshops and meetings around businesses.
Nous répondons à toutes les questions relatives aux études supérieures et à l'insertion professionnelle. Je veux étudier comment faire ? J'envisage un métier, à qui en parler? Je dois faire un stage, où chercher ?