Students with disabilities can benefit from university accommodation provided by CROUS, no matter what their financial situation.
To insure a place in university accommodations, you must follow the standard procedure on the CROUS website.
Applications are assessed online from the 15th of January to the 30th of April, the year before you begin your university career.
After filling out your application, we suggest that you contact the institution at which you plan to pursue your studies and obtain a priority allocation for university accommodation (certain conditions apply). If your chosen institution doesn’t provide disabled services, we advise you contact a social worker from CROUS.
Mont-Saint-Aignan :
Panorama Residence: 3 adjustable rooms
Pléiade Residence: 1 adjustable room
Le Havre :
Labedoyère Residence: new residence with several accessible rooms
Bougainville Residence: a few easily adjustable rooms
Le Madrillet Residence: 4 adjustable rooms
Evreux (Martainville)
Les Jardins Saint Paul Residence: 1 adjustable room