It is a sector of higher education but whose courses are often taught in a high school, the BTS have sometimes been forgotten in the measures taken for the education of students with disabilities.
However, students with disabilities in BTS have the same rights as students enrolled in universities, schools, etc. Regardless of disability, disabled students can register in BTS of their choice and should take advantage of arrangements necessary for their studies pursuit.
What steps?
If you want to study in BTS and if you need special facilities because of a disability (a human help, a technical help, examinations arrangements, etc.), you have to place a request to your home’s MDPH.
A priority placement Committee for students with disabilities
Since 2005, the Academy of Rouen has set up an academic Committee to consider all requests for assignment in BTS of high school final year’s pupils with disabilities.
High school final year’s pupils follow the ordinary registration procedure. But in addition, they can file an application with the Commission for priority assignment if they want it.
With this procedure, the students can receive a second chance.
All requests will not receive a favorable opinion. Indeed, the objective is not to assign a pupil in BTS only because he (she) is disabled but rather to prevent a student from being excluded because of his disability (accessibility problems, schooling delay, etc.).
In order to ask the Committee, you can contact your Establishment Manager when entering the post-BAC wishes or contact Handisup.
Caution: this procedure is specific to the Academy of Rouen and unfortunately doesn’t exist in all Academies.