Your steps

In order to benefit from the multitude of support offered for your studies, finding businesses, obtaining financial aide, etc., you must get to know your disability administratively.

Your applications must be carried out with your local “Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées”.


Download application forms

The application forms with the MDPH consist of two forms:

  • Medical certificate:  To be completed by your doctor. Feel free to join other certificates such as specialists. The CDAPH rule on the medical evidences. You will be rarely received for an interview.
  • Application form
  • For the students, this all-in-one application form will allow you to express your needs, request financial aide and have your disability recognized
  • To express your needs concerning your education (adjustments, exam conditions, technical or social support)
  • To ask for disabled Worker quality for aid in connection with employment and companies (Fixed-term contract, permanent employment contract, alternation contract, internship, summer jobs).
  • To ask for disability compensation to cover extra costs (social help, vehicle arrangements, LSF sign language, etc.…)
  • To ask for adult disability benefit (from 20 years old or before  20 if you have applied for accommodation benefits)
  • • To ask for a Disability card.

Download the forms:

MDPH 76 form: Download

MDPH 27 form: Download

Standard form: Download

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