
Go Ireland with Victor!

Go Ireland with Victor!

Victor is a student of Political Sciences who conducted his third academic year at Trinity College, Dublin. In February 2012, permanent staff of Handisup and Victor went on tracking on February 28th and 29th and March 1st, 2012 in Dublin especially to meet the University disability service. As previously seen during our visit in Dublin, the city is very accessible (sidewalks lowered, sound lights, etc.).

To find Victor’s adventures (ERASMUS’ steps, meetings with various Irish services, etc.) you can go to his BLOG:

Handisup International: "From Victor"

Discovering DUBLIN

Discovering DUBLIN


Students and permanent staff of HANDISUP travelled to Ireland from 26 to 29th October, 2010 to meet the persons in charge of Disability of DUBLIN’s 2 universities: "University Dublin Institute of Technology", "University College of Dublin and Maynooth University.


HANDISUP also met the Association "Association for Higher Education Access and Disability” (AHEAD) to coordinate the Disability Representatives of all Irish universities.


The people we met were excited to welcome French students in ERASMUS.

A good point for Ireland in terms of accessibility, all the traffic lights are with sound and access to transportation and the train is possible for a person using a wheelchair without prior booking, unlike the SNCF where a  you have to book 48 hours in advance.

Nous répondons à toutes les questions relatives aux études supérieures et à l'insertion professionnelle.
Je veux étudier comment faire ? J'envisage un métier, à qui en parler? Je dois faire un stage, où chercher ?