HANDISUP works with a network of 30 companies and can put you in connection with one of them whether it is for:
1 - CV and targeted LM
To improve your chances to find an internship or an employment quickly, it is necessary that:
You write a CV and a targeted letter of motivation; 1 type of CV and letter by company. If you don’t know how to write them, HANDISUP proposes you trainings to help you to draft these documents.
You have to know the companies in the sector you are interested in and the companies which recruit. You can consult companies’ websites and specialized websites in particular.
2 – Obtain the quality of disabled worker
The recognition of disabled worker allows you to have certain helps regarding job search and to benefit from certain specific measures.
The companies in which you go to make an internship, a summer job, an alternation, an employment may ask you for this document so that you are counted in the employment duty of 6 %.
To obtain it you have to deposit a file at the MDPH. Handisup can accompany you in this approach.
If you are already a holder of a disabled person’s card or a AAH beneficiary, it isn’t necessary to ask for the RQTH, these documents allow to be counted in the employment duty of 6%.
3 – Send your application to companies
Handisup can put you in connection with its partner companies and more generally with about sixty companies and administrations in which students have already made internships, summer jobs, alternation trainings, etc.
We advise you to participate in the «Meetings of the disabled students with companies" and to participate in «the alternation and summer jobs Workshops " organized by Handisup Haute‑Normandie every year in October. "The Handisup's Meetings". You can meet companies directly so.
On this site, you can reach a list of companies’ websites on which you can apply: contact partners:
Finally, we advise you to consult our section "Employment" in order to know your rights and the company’s duties both for the private sector and the administrations in respect of the disabled people employment.