The disabled people benefit from two ways of recruitment:
These 2 types of recruitment exist in the 3 Public Services (State, Territorial, and Hospital).
Find information more detailed on the territorial Public Service: Slide show propose by the CDGFP76
It’s the normal way of access to the public service. The candidate has to possess a title or a diploma required to appear at it.
These competitions allow reaching all the categories of the Public services:
Category A: Holder of a license (Bachelor's degree)
Category B: Holder of a high school diploma
Category C: Holder of the National College Certificate
The candidates can benefit on their request of a specific arrangement determined by a doctor in the administration (the list of doctors is available on the DDASS websites).
The application must be completed by the candidate at the time of registration.
The Law of July 10th 1987 introduced a second recruitment option into Civil Service, recruitment by contract.
The candidate is hired on the basis of a one year contract renewable for one year.
At the end of the year, the employee can be made permanent if he (she) is judged professionally fit.
The candidate must fill in the same degree/diploma conditions as the corresponding competition candidates.
How to be recruited by contract?
Certain administrations recruit employees with disabilities by contract every year.
Every year, the Board of Education, the CNRS, Customs, Treasury, the Prefecture, the INSERM, etc. offer positions reserved to people with disabilities for all levels of study.
There is no centralizing of these positions. It is “suggested” that you send your application to various administrations, to promote yourself to all associations: “Cap Emplois“, etc.
The administration websites also provide information concerning recruitment.