Since the Act of July 10th, 1987, companies with more than 20 employees are held to an employment duty of at least 6% of persons with disabilities in their workforce. The law of February 11th, 2005 reiterates this obligation and extends it to new categories of persons with disabilities.
What people with disabilities are affected?
The only fact of having a disability is not enough to be recorded in the 6%. You should be part of the categories below:
What sanctions for employers not complying with the obligation to employ 6%?
Since the Act of July 10th, 1987, companies from the private sector who have not reached the 6% must pay a contribution to AGEFIPH.
Since the Act of February 11th, 2005, public employers must also pay a financial contribution to the Fund for the integration of persons with disabilities in the public service (FIPHFP).
The financial contribution is calculated in the same way in the private sector and the public sector. Find on AGEFIPH website the rules for calculating. This financial contribution may be very high. For example, a company of 2,000 employees who doesn’t hire any people with disabilities must pay approximately 600,000 euros each year.
Since the Act of February 11th, 2005, to ensure the equal treatment of disabled workers, employers must "take appropriate measures" so that disability is not a cause of eviction and only skills are taken into account during recruitment, the preservation in the employment or a professional development.
These measures may concern adaptation of machinery or tools, workstations, access to professional development, coaching and individual equipment necessary for the disabled worker.
The AGEFIPH, for the private sector and the FIPHFP, for the public sector, may participate in the financing of these arrangements.
Another way of fulfilling the employment obligation
The law allows companies to fulfil their employment obligations partly or fully by valuing the efforts on inclusion of persons with disabilities. Companies can thus:
- Companies adapted for the disabled people (e.g. protected workshops),
- The distribution centres of homeworking
- Establishments, or help by labour (e.g. CAT) services.
A formula can calculate from an amount of subcontract a number of beneficiary units.
It concerns disabled job-seekers welcomed within the framework of an internship. The reception of these trainees is taken into account within the limit of 2% of the workforce coverage.
This agreement has to contain necessarily a plan of hiring persons with disabilities and at least two of the following actions:
an insertion and training plan,
a plan for adapting to technological change,
a plan of preservation in the company in the event of dismissal.
Most companies with an agreement decide to appoint a disability referent internally or create Disability Missions (sometimes within the Diversity Missions) in order to implement the agreement.