He is a manager who knows how to reconcile Business and humanism.
His company employs 40 people with Asperger Autism as software testers. These individuals work directly for clients but unlike conventional consultants, they are followed by a Job coach to learn how to overcome situations of stress, change, etc. which may be unsettling for a person with pervasive developmental disorders.
Passwerk Co is a social cooperative that makes profits already while it is only 7 years old. A portion of those profits is reversed in the form of donations to associations which have innovative projects in the autism field.
This is a new evidence that autistic individuals have very useful skills in a professional environment or even greater than the "neuro-typical" (term used to describe people who aren’t autistic). It is evidenced by the excellent results of our company and others companies in the world (Denmark, USA, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Iceland, etc.) who hire persons with PDD.
In France, there aren’t such companies or Job coach. Handisup works on an accompaniment implementation for autistic students inspired by these stories.